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Sunday Worship Series

Sunday Worship Series

Sunday, July 7, Seventh Sunday After Pentecost, Mark 6:1-13. Just Keep Going. In this lesson Jesus faces the rejection of those of His own hometown. Though they were amazed at His teaching, He was too familiar to them for them to accept Him as Messiah and Savior. But that did not deter Jesus. He moved on and continued to preach and teach and even sent out His disciples two by two to preach, teach, and heal.


Sunday, July 14, Eighth Sunday After Pentecost, Mark 6:14-29. Truth and Consequences. John the Baptist told the truth about Herod and his marriage to his brother's wife. The consequences were arrest, a dungeon, and a beheading. Things don’t always work out the way we expect or the way we hoped. So, even while we affirm that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life… we also must recognize that may lead to being ostracized, or other harsh consequences. This should not, however, deter us from speaking the truth in love to a world that desperately needs to hear it.

Sunday, July 21, Ninth Sunday After Pentecost, Mark 6:30-44. Jesus, Our Compassionate Provider. Jesus and His disciples intended to get away from the crowds for a time, but the crowds followed them and did not allow them the rest they were seeking. But Jesus did not scold the crowds. Instead, He had compassion on them and provided for their needs of both soul and body. Our compassionate Savior does the same for you and me. What is it you need from Him today? He will graciously provide.


Sunday, July 28, Tenth Sunday After Pentecost, Mark 6:45-56. Take Courage. It is I. When Jesus came near the disciples walking on the water, they were afraid, thinking they were seeing a ghost. Jesus spoke to calm their fears saying, "Take courage. It is I." We all have our fears and anxious thoughts. Jesus speaks to us in the midst of them saying, "Take courage. It is I." We can find courage in Him and His promises no matter what we are facing.


Children's Message