Path to Membership

Path to Membership

Interested in joining the Good Shepherd by the Lake family? There are three ways you can become a member of our congregation.

If you are a current member of a sister congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, you may request that a letter of transfer be sent from that congregation to Good Shepherd by the Lake. You may also ask Pastor Todd to request that letter of transfer for you.

Affirmation of Faith:
If you have been confirmed in a Lutheran Church in the past but are not currently a member of a sister congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, you may be received by affirmation of faith, which means that you accept the teachings of our church body as true and faithful to the teachings of God’s Word.

Adult Confirmation:
If you have not been confirmed in a Lutheran Church and come to us from another denomination or from no church background, you are asked to take our eight-week adult instruction class, Basic Bible Teachings. This class reviews the basic teachings of the Christian faith from a Lutheran perspective. If after completing the class, you accept the teachings of our church as true and faithful to the Word of God, you will be received into membership by adult confirmation.